Hassan Mobarak

Thursday 09-11-2017 - 17:30

Hello, my name is Hassan Mobarak. I am currently studying Biomedical Science and have been at university for 2 years. I work as a professional self-taught cake designer and I am currently the treasurer of the MMU first aid society, as well as a course representative. These roles have given me and the ability to communicate effectively, carry and lead discussions and have a good understanding of the issues students are faced with. When presented with issues I can respond in a level-headed manner and will be in favour of motions and policies that improve the student experience. I believe in the importance of students being able to voice their concerns and opinions on a nationwide platform and stemming from this, the ability to influence and create change for the better. There are numerous causes across campus that I am passionate about, such as ensuring students can receive the necessary funding to facilitate their education, improving the public image of the Manchester Metropolitan University and delivering what students are really looking for with clarity, whilst fostering and strengthening ties with students on our and other campuses. Student welfare is central to education, and I have confidence that I can help push it’s agenda

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